Tuesday, September 09, 2008

What's the Big Deal with Holidays?

You know what I hate the most of all? People who are trying to cater to everyone out there and bend over backwards to make sure no one gets "offended" by NORMAL AMERICAN HOLIDAYS like Halloween and Christmas.

If you don't celebrate them, fine. Don't. I won't make fun of you, and I won't impede on your life or beliefs in any way. ALL I ASK IS THAT YOU RETURN THE FAVOR.

I *do* celebrate Halloween and Christmas and as long as he's able, my son will go trick-or-treating and dress up and get candy from people, and put up a stocking and write letters to Santa and come down to the wonder and magic of Christmas Day. I utterly utterly despise the fact that our society is so bogged down with kissing each other's butt and making sure that party a is not offended by practice b that everything is watered down and taken out of schools. I cannot stand political correctness and if you're offended by things like Christmas and Halloween then WHY DID YOU MOVE HERE WHERE WE CELEBRATE THEM?!

Man, I hate people sometimes.

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